this is a small little game about finding your lost swords but with a cost. if you like  strategy game that can be played at any place then you have come the right place. 

there are a few commands but not too many.  


Movement: if you would like to move just type "up", "left", "right" or "down"

Dashing:  if you want to dash then you can type "dash up" or replace "up" with "down", "left" or "right". but you have been warned that using a dash costs you mana. if you wanna know how much a dash costs then your going to have to play.

Spells: type"c u" too cast a spell up or replace the "u" with "d",  "l",  "r". or just write out "cast up" or replace "up" with "left", "right", "down" to get the same effect. spells also cost mana. and as I said before your going to have to play to find out.

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